Agassiz Adult Education Centre

Work on courses anytime, from anywhere!


Do you want to upgrade for post-secondary or employment

Start a course whenever you’re ready & work at your own pace. 


Are you working towards your Mature High School Diploma?

Receive it as soon as you are completed the required credits!

Registration is easy, send us your:
- filled out registration form

- recent transcript(s)

- yearly registration fee of $20



Please email all questions & registrations with a transcript to: 
                    [email protected]


Student Fees can be paid by: cash, cheque or money order
by either dropping it off at the school or sending it through Canada Post.
Our mailing address is below:

Location/Mailing Address:

Box 1778

526 Park Avenue 

Beausejour, MB, R0E 0C0

(204) 268-4832
(204) 268-4841

Email: [email protected]


8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday


Evening Hours

Should you require evening hours, please contact the school during regular office hours to make an appointment.